
Live information of the New Orleans Rascals

The main schedule, 2011
Date & time / Place / Phone Title / Musicians / Guests Notes
Every Saturday at New Suntory 5, Umeda phone: +81-6-6312-8912
  1. 7:50 p.m.-8:30 p.m.
  2. 9:00 p.m.-9:40 p.m.
  3. 10:10 p.m.-10:50 p.m.

The regular performance of New Orleans Rascals

Ryoichi Kawai(clarinet, leader), Keitaro Shiga(trumpet, vocal), Tsunetami Fukuda (trombone), Junichi Kawai(banjo, vocal), Yoshiyasu Ozaki(piano), Nobuo Ishida (string bass), Yoichi Kimura (drums, vocal)
New Suntory 5 is a jazz pub occupying the fifth floor of the Sonezaki Center BLDG., 2-10-15 Sonezaki Kita-ku, Osaka(300 Feet south from former Umeda Kagetsu, along Ohatsu-Tenjin-Dori).
Sun, January 9 from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 pm at Super Dry Umeda (Umeda-Shinmichi)

New Year Jazz Party 2011

  • New Orleans Rascals, Royal Flush Jazz Band, Castle Jazz Band, Mahogany Hall Stompers and New Orleans Red Beans with TonTon
  • MC: Mitsuo Suehiro
Make a reservation to attend the party. Send e-mail to the manager of ODJC for more.
Sun, April 17 from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Super Dry Umeda (Umeda-Shinmichi.)

New Orleans Jazz Carnival 2011

  • New Orleans Rascals
  • Mahogany Hall Stompers and New Orleans Red Beans with TonTon
  • Guest band: Sound of Vespers
  • MC: Mitsuo Suehiro
Make a reservation to attend the party. Send e-mail to the manager of ODJC for more.
Thurs, May 5 from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Shimanouchi Church, 1-6-7,Higashi-Shinsaibashi,Chuo-ku,Osaka

Jazz at Church

  • New Orleans Rascals
  • Mahogany Hall Stompers, New Orleans Red Beans, New Orleans Four T’s, TonTon and ODJC Brass Band
  • Special guests: Geoff Bull(trumpet) from Sydney and Waseda University New Orleans Jazz Club from Tokyo
  • MC: Christopher M. Knott
Send e-mail to the manager of ODJC for more.
Sat, June 4 from 11:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at OAP Tower, Tenma,Chuo-ku,Osaka by the riverside of the Okawa

OSAKA Big River Jazz Festival 2011

  • New Orleans Rascals
  • Mahogany Hall Stompers, New Orleans Red Beans, New Orleans Four T’s, TonTon and ODJC Brass Band
  • Special guests: Yoshimi and Carolina Shout from Tokyo
  • MC: Christopher M. Knott

A Jazz Festival held by the riverside of the Okawa (Means "Big River").

Refer to the website OSAKA Big River Jazz.

June 24 to 26 in Switzerland

Rapperswil - Blues n Jazz Festival 2011

  1. Freitag, 24. Curti-Bühne am Seequai 22.00 - 23.30
  2. Samstag, 25. Curti-Bühne am Seequai 18.00 - 19.30
  3. Sonntag 26. Curti-Bühne am Seequai 14.00 - 15.30

Refer to the website

Featuring Geoff Bull(trumpet & vocals) from Sydney(You can see his other appearances by searching >Programm11 >Künstler >Geoff Bull Trio from the website above.)

Sun, October 16 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Izumi Hall, 1-4-70, Shiromi, Chuo-ku, Osaka

New Orleans Rascals’ 50th Anniversary Concert

  • New Orleans Rascals
  • Their 16 overseas friends
  • Bob Greene(piano), Butch Thompson(piano, clarinet), Geoff Bull(trumpet), Philip De Smet(trombone), Brian Turnock(string bass), Luc Van Hoetghem(banjo), Jeff Hamilton(drums, piano), Thomas LEtienne(clarinet), Topsy Chapman(vocal), Dawn Lambeth(piano, vocal), Ted Thomas(cornet), Jens Lindgren(trombone), Mike Fay(banjo, string bass), Fred Hard(string bass), Anthony Howe Howler(drums), Boss Michel Quraud(clarinet, trumpet)
  • MC: Christopher M. Knott

An admission fee: 5,000 yen for a tikect sold in advance, 6,000 yen on the day (all seats appointed). We close applications, when reserved seats reach to capacity.

Send e-mail to the manager of ODJC for more.

Sun, October 23 from noon to 9:00 p.m. around Namba, Dotombori, Midosuji and Shinsaibashi in Minami area of Osaka. Phone: +81-6-6946-7761

Minami Jazz Walk 2011

  1. From 1:40 p.m. to 2:20 p.m. at Yume-Hachi on the fifth floor of Nakaza-Cuidaore Bldg
  2. From 3:20 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Grotta dell Amore on the basement of New Osaka Hotel, Shinsaibashi

About 90 years ago, jazz was very popular in a southern area (an area called "Minami") of Osaka. The festival has been held since 2000 in memory of this tradition.

Refer to the Website htpp//

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